/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Alphametics are word arithmetic problems where each letter is replaced // by a unique digit 0-9. This means that no two letters are assigned the // same values and no two digits are assigned to the same letter. Additionally, // the initial letter of the word cannot be 0. Sometimes an additional // requirement of a single solution is specified. // // Some popular alphametics are: // send + more = money // donald + gerald = robert // cross + roads = danger // who + is + this = idiot // this + isa + great + time = waster // // The predicate Alphametic in the code below can find all solutions for any // alphametic. The predicate accepts two arguments: // // list of strings to be added, for example ('send','more',Nil) // resulting string ('money') // // The strings themselves can be in upper or lower case, deep down in the bowels // of the predicate they are all converted to lower case. // // Some examples: // // all Alphametic(('send','more',Nil),'money') // all Alphametic(('who','is','this',Nil),'idiot') // all Alphametic(('Winter', 'is', 'windier', 'summer', 'is',Nil), 'sunnier') // all Alphametic(('Romans','also','more', 'or', 'less', 'added',Nil), 'letters') // all Alphametic(('donald','gerald',Nil),'robert') // all Alphametic(('cross','roads',Nil),'danger') // all Alphametic(('this','isa','great','time',Nil),'waster') // // The code for the predicate Alphametic is quite straightforward. It was created // as a generalization of a code for a single hardcoded alphametic // // and + to + all + a + good = night // // The code for the above problem is in the predicate GoodNight and it is // also present in this file for reference purposes, possibly clarifying some // points of the predicate Alphametic. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Define some local types local Digit09 = L[0..9] // number between 0..9 local WordVars = [0..]->Digit09 // array of numbers between 0..9 local Map = arr:[0..25]->I,lettersused:I // structure used to count letters pred Alphametic(strings:<list S,sum:<S) iff // Map has 26 values, one for each letter of alphabet. -1 neans letter not used, // otherwise it is an index of the letter in the order of appearance. map :.Map & map := ([-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1],0) & // Having initialized the map, count the number of different letters used // in all strings. CountVars(strings,sum,map) & // Define an array of variables, one for each letter used. v::[0..]->>Digit09 & Len(v,map.lettersused) & maxlen = Len(sum) & // the length of the longest string wall::[0..]->WordVars & Len(wall,Len(strings)) & // Using the map, convert strings to arrays, assign a variable for each letter and // pad the arrays to the same lengths (maxlen) ListToVars(strings,wall,v,map,maxlen,0) & StringToVars(res,sum,v,map,maxlen) & // Define some additional variables (remainders and carries) r1::[0..]->L[0..] & Len(r1,maxlen) & c1::[0..]->L[0..] & Len(c1,maxlen+1) & c1(0) = 0 & c1(maxlen) = 0 & // Set up constraints between the variables SumAllColumns(wall,res,r1,c1,0) & // Print one result PrintResult(wall,res,0) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Helper routines // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Sum all columns af all arrays. local pred SumAllColumns(wall::[0..]->WordVars,res::WordVars,r1::[0..]->L[0..], c1::[0..]->L[0..],ix:<I) iff if ix < Len(res) then SumColumns2(wall,res,r1,c1,ix) & SumAllColumns(wall,res,r1,c1,ix+1) end local pred SumColumns2(wall::[0..]->WordVars,res::WordVars,r1::[0..]->L[0..], c1::[0..]->L[0..],column:<I) iff SumOneColumn(wall,0,sumout,column,0) & sumout + c1(column) = r1(column) & res(column) = r1(column) mod 10 & c1(column+1) = r1(column) / 10 // sumout = wall(i,column) + wall(i+1,column) +...wall(Len(wall)-1,column) local pred SumOneColumn(wall::[0..]->WordVars,sumin::L,sumout::L, column:<I,i:<I) iff if i < Len(wall) then SumOneColumn(wall,sumin + wall(i,column),sumout,column,i+1) else sumout = sumin end /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Routines for a formatted output of results. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// local proc PrintResult(w:<[0..]->WordVars,res:<WordVars,i:<I) iff if i < Len(w) then PrintNumString(w(i)) & PrintResult(w,res,i+1) else Print('\n -------') & PrintNumString(res) & Print('\n') end local proc PrintNumString(w:<WordVars) iff Print('\n ') & PrintNumString1(RtlReverse(w),1,0) local proc PrintNumString1(w:<WordVars,blank:<I,i:<I) iff if i < Len(w) then if w(i) = 0 & blank = 1 then Print(' ') & PrintNumString1(w,1,i+1) {don't print leading zeros} else Print(w(i)) & PrintNumString1(w,0,i+1) end end /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Go thru all strings and count all letters used. Update the letter map // accordingly. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// local pred CountVars(strings:<list S,sum:<S,map:.Map) iff if strings = h,t then CountVarsInOneString(RtlToLowerString(h),map,0) & CountVars(t,sum,map) end & CountVarsInOneString(RtlToLowerString(sum),map,0) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Given a string and a map of characters, mark all used characters in the map. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// local pred CountVarsInOneString(s:<S, map:.Map,i:<I) iff if i < Len(s) then if map.arr(s(i)-"a") = -1 then {if character not encountered yet} map.arr(s(i)-"a") := map.lettersused & map.lettersused := map.lettersused+1 end & CountVarsInOneString(s,map,i+1) end /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Having a map of used letters and an array of variables, assign a variable // for each letter (same letters will use the same variable). // Convert strings to lower case. // Create arrays of variables based on the string letters. // Assure the first character of the string is never 0. // Pad unused array of variable entries with zeros. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// local pred ListToVars(strings:<list S,wall::[0..]->WordVars,v::[0..]->>Digit09,map:.Map,maxlen:<I,i:<I) iff if strings = h,t then StringToVars(wall(i),h,v,map,maxlen) & ListToVars(t,wall,v,map,maxlen,i+1) end local pred StringToVars(w::WordVars,s:<S,v::[0..]->>Digit09,map:.Map,maxlen:<I) iff Len(w,maxlen) & StringToVars1(w,RtlToLowerString(RtlReverse(s)),v,map,maxlen,0) local pred StringToVars1(w::WordVars,s:<S,v::[0..]->>Digit09,map:.Map,maxlen:<I,i:<I) iff if i < maxlen then // for all array elements if i < Len(s) then w(i) = v(map.arr(s(i)-"a")) & if i = Len(s) -1 then w(i) <> 0 end // first string character cannot represent zeros else w(i) = 0 // pad with zeros if array longer than the string end & StringToVars1(w,s,v,map,maxlen,i+1) end /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The following code solves a hardwired alphametic: // // AND // + TO // + ALL // + A // + GOOD // ----- // NIGHT // // The code is here for illustration purposes, as it is quite easy to follow // the steps used to solve the problem. // // By generalizing the specialized code we would eventually derive all the // above code for the predicate Alphametic and all supporting routines. // // To execute this code, issue the query // // all GoodNight() // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pred GoodNight() iff // Nine variables used, corresponding to nine letters used : a,n,d,t,o,l,g,i,h // They must be all different. v::[0..]->>Digit09 & Len(v,9) & v = [a,n,d,t,o,l,g,i,h] & wall::[0..]->[0..4]->Digit09 & Len(wall,5) & // five strings added // Break individual strings into letters. Reverse them and pad them all with zeros // up to the length of the longest (i.e.resulting) string, in our case 'night'. // Note we don't want any leading zeroes, therefore the letters "a","t","g","n" // are explicitely declared as non-zero wall(0) = [d,n,a,0,0] & a <> 0 & wall(1) = [o,t,0,0,0] & t <> 0 & wall(2) = [l,l,a,0,0] & a <> 0 & wall(3) = [a,0,0,0,0] & a <> 0 & wall(4) = [d,o,o,g,0] & g <> 0 & // Break down the "result" string into letters, same procedure as for the previous // strings: res ::[0..]->Digit09 & res = [t,h,g,i,n] & n <> 0 & // The above steps are generalized for a list of strings in the routine // ListToVars(strings,wall,v,map,maxlen,0) & r1::[0..]->L[0..] & Len(r1,Len(res)) & {array of remainders, one for each column} // Array of carries, one for each column. The first one is guaranteed to be zero. // This way we can treat all columns eaqually c1::[0..]->L[0..] & Len(c1,Len(res)+1) & c1(0) = 0 & // Set up the constraints by specifying the relations between individual variables: // add the columns just like adding regular multidigit numbers: // // d + o + l + a + d = t1 & t = t1 mod 10 & c1 = t1 / 10 & // n + t + l + o + c1 = h1 & h = h1 mod 10 & c2 = h1 / 10 & // a + a + o + c2 = g1 & g = g1 mod 10 & c3 = g1 / 10 & // g + c3 = i1 & i = i1 mod 10 & c4 = i1 / 10 & // c4 = n & // By renaming the variables the above relations can be expressed as follows: wall = [w0,w1,w2,w3,w4] & w0(0) + w1(0) + w2(0) + w3(0) + w4(0) + c1(0) = r1(0) & res(0) = r1(0) mod 10 & c1(0+1) = r1(0) / 10 & w0(1) + w1(1) + w2(1) + w3(1) + w4(1) + c1(1) = r1(1) & res(1) = r1(1) mod 10 & c1(1+1) = r1(1) / 10 & w0(2) + w1(2) + w2(2) + w3(2) + w4(2) + c1(2) = r1(2) & res(2) = r1(2) mod 10 & c1(2+1) = r1(2) / 10 & w0(3) + w1(3) + w2(3) + w3(3) + w4(3) + c1(3) = r1(3) & res(3) = r1(3) mod 10 & c1(3+1) = r1(3) / 10 & w0(4) + w1(4) + w2(4) + w3(4) + w4(4) + c1(4) = r1(4) & res(4) = r1(4) mod 10 & c1(4+1) = r1(4) / 10 & // All the above columns adding can be replaced by a single call "SumAllColumns(wall,res,r1,c1,0)", // We are done, print the result: Print('\n') & Print(' ', a,n,d, '\n') & Print(' ', t,o, '\n') & Print(' ', a,l,l, '\n') & Print(' ', a, '\n') & Print(' ', g,o,o,d, '\n') & Print(' -----\n') & Print(' ',n,i,g,h,t, '\n')
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