{ Three cannibals and three missionaries want to cross a river in a canoe which only holds two people. Someone has to bring the boat back. The trouble is, if there are ever more cannibals than missionaries the cannibals will eat the missionaries. How can the six get safely across? The following code solves the problem by calling the query "all Cannibals()" There are infinitely many solutions, as it is possible to have one guy paddling across and back as many times as we want, but we are only interested in solutions that do not contain repeating sequences. For this purpose we keep two history lists, one for each river bank. If a trip would result in the same distribution of missionaries and cannibals as we already encountered previously (i.e. is in the history list), trip is discarted. Otherwise the trip is added to the list of trips and also the history list is updated to reflect the new trip. And, of coures, we make sure cannibals never outnumber missionaries. } People = cannibals:I[0..3], missionaries:I[0..3] Direction = A | B Trips = direction:Direction,cannibals:I[0..3], missionaries:I[0..3] History = list People Trip = list Trips pred Cannibals() iff // Specify the initial conditions: left :. People & left := (3,3) & // all 6 people on the left bank right :. People & right := (0,0) & // nobody on the right bank hl :.History & hl := left,Nil & // initial history of the left bank state hr :.History & hr := right,Nil & // initial history of the right bank state trip :. Trip & trip := Nil & NextTrip(left,hl,right,hr,trip) & PrintOneSolution(trip) local pred NextTrip(left:.People,hl:.History,right:.People,hr :.History,trip :.Trip) iff Accross(left,right,hl,trip) & if right <> (3,3) then Back(left,right,hr,trip) & NextTrip(left,hl,right,hr,trip) end // Going accross: moving people from the left river bnk to right river bank. local pred Accross(left:.People, right:.People, history:.History,trip :.Trip) iff OneTrip(cannibals, missionaries) & left.cannibals := left.cannibals - cannibals & right.cannibals := right.cannibals + cannibals & left.missionaries := left.missionaries - missionaries & right.missionaries := right.missionaries + missionaries & SafeMissionaries(left,right) & ~left in history & history := left,history & trip := (A,cannibals,missionaries),trip // Going back: moving people from the right to the left river bank local pred Back(left:.People, right:.People, history :. History,trip :.Trip) iff OneTrip(cannibals, missionaries) & left.cannibals := left.cannibals + cannibals & right.cannibals := right.cannibals - cannibals & left.missionaries := left.missionaries + missionaries & right.missionaries := right.missionaries - missionaries & SafeMissionaries(left,right) & ~right in history & history := right,history & trip := (B,cannibals,missionaries),trip // We don't differentiate between trips, after all, the canoe can transport up to // two people regardless of the direction... // So we just generate all possible occupancies. local pred OneTrip(cannibals :>I, missionaries :> I) iff ( (cannibals = 1 & missionaries = 0) | (cannibals = 0 & missionaries = 1) | (cannibals = 2 & missionaries = 0) | (cannibals = 1 & missionaries = 1) | (cannibals = 0 & missionaries = 2) ) // Helper routine to make sure cannibals don't outnumber any missionaries present local proc SafeMissionaries(left:<People,right:<People) iff if left.missionaries > 0 then left.cannibals <= left.missionaries end & if right.missionaries > 0 then right.cannibals <= right.missionaries end // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The following is just code to display the resulting list of the trips // in a format that is more user friendly // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- local proc PrintOneSolution(trip :< Trip) iff Print('\n\n Left Right Trip Left Right') & left :. People & left := (3,3) & right :. People & right := (0,0) & // Our list of trips is in order tripLast...,trip7,trip6,...trip1,Nil // We want to print the solution in order trip1,trip2,....,tripLast revtrip :. Trip & revtrip := Nil & ListReverse(trip,revtrip) & // Traverse the reversed list and print states before and after each trip PrintOneSolution1(revtrip,left,right) local proc PrintOneSolution1(trip :< Trip,left:.People,right:.People) iff if trip = h,t then Print ('\nStart: ') & PrintPeople(left) & PrintPeople(right) & crew:.People & crew:= (h.cannibals,h.missionaries) & if h.direction = A then PrintPeople(crew) & Print(' -> ') & left.missionaries := left.missionaries - h.missionaries & left.cannibals := left.cannibals - h.cannibals & right.missionaries := right.missionaries + h.missionaries & right.cannibals := right.cannibals + h.cannibals else Print(' <- ') & PrintPeople(crew) & left.missionaries := left.missionaries + h.missionaries & left.cannibals := left.cannibals + h.cannibals & right.missionaries := right.missionaries - h.missionaries & right.cannibals := right.cannibals - h.cannibals end & Print(' End:') & PrintPeople(left) & PrintPeople(right) & PrintOneSolution1(t,left,right) else Print('\n\n') end // Formatted printout of People. Don't print zeros local proc PrintPeople(p:<People) iff Print(' ') & if p.cannibals = 0 then Print(' ') else Print(p.cannibals,'c') end & if p.missionaries = 0 then Print(' ') else Print(p.missionaries,'m ') end // Code to create a reversed list local proc ListReverse(inlist:< Trip, outlist:.Trip) iff if inlist = h,t then outlist := h,outlist & ListReverse(t,outlist) end
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